About Us

Mayfair Cruises - Luxury on the Nile

Mayfair Cruises is a proudly local cruise line, passionate to the last about creating unforgettable voyages along the Nile river.
Our Calling. Our Values.

Local. Genuine. Patron

Mayfair Cruises is Local . We passionately craft our vessels in Egypt with an Egyptian “Ka” that reflect the spirit of the destinations we visit and our team. Our ships sail in the face of conformity and generic ship design to produce vessels that are quintessentially “Mayfair”.

We believe in doing Genuine honest business with our partners/guests that reflects well on us & our country’s tourism sector and allows to form intimate bonds and long-lasting partnerships.

We strive to be Patrons in our community, working almost exclusively with local suppliers and service providers to deliver a uniquely Egyptian cruise experience all while retaining modern luxury comforts and amenities.

Our Responsible Engagements

Community & Charity

We support local businesses and communities by striving to “buy local” to help grow the businesses and people who sustain us. Our charitable contributions are often dedicated to the communities we operate in through our local charity partners.


Upper Egypt is untouched and unspoiled. We’d like to keep it that way so Mayfair Cruises does its part to protect the priceless natural landscapes we sail through in line with the efforts of the Egyptian Ministry of Environment.


We love our country and want it to flourish. The Chams family has always made a commitment to reinvest a majority of its earnings within the Egyptian economy to support Egypt’s social and economic development.

It’s a personal calling

The Chams family - Owner of Mayfair Cruises

I’ll always recall my first voyage aboard a Nile cruise. Despite years going by, I remember a story that my mother (a capable Egyptologist in her own right) told me as we stood on the steps of Hatshepsut Temple and the pride she felt as a woman that Egypt had a powerful queen ruling it more than three millennia ago (while fewer than a third of UN member states have ever had a female leader). My father on the other hand, would always impress on me the importance of investing in Egypt and its tourism sector and would often speak of the responsibility we bear to represent our great civilization in the best light.

Nowadays, I relish the chance to visit Upper Egypt for the opportunity to relax and disconnect. While European river cruises offer the chance to visit many cities/towns in a short timespan, sailing the Nile is akin to going back in time to a simpler and more elegant time.

Herodotus, upon his visit to Egypt, said that “Egypt is the gift of the Nile” and we believe the Nile to be god’s gift to Egypt. The Nile supported the birth of our civilization and its heritage and we strive everyday to celebrate the story it weaves.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard our impeccable vessels as you experience the story of the Nile and the wonders Upper Egypt holds.

- Karim Chams


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